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Friday, June 24, 2016



恩怨纏綿半世紀 關於英國脫歐你應該知道的事 - http://photo.chinatimes.com/20160624004778-260803

​In that BBC TV Series 'Yes, Minister', the epitome ​English civil
​servant gave a very cynical and penetrating remark​, such as :


"Yes Minister: The Devil You Know (#2.5)" (1981)

[discussing the EEC
James Hacker: The trouble with Brussels is not internationalism, it's too much bureaucracy. 
Sir Humphrey Appleby: But the bureaucracy is a consequence of the internationalism. Why else would there be an English Commissioner with a French Director-General immediately below him, and an Italian Chef-du-Division reporting to the Frenchman and so on down the line. 
James Hacker: Oh, I agree. 
Sir Humphrey Appleby: It's like the Tower of Babel. 
James Hacker: I agree. 
Sir Humphrey Appleby: No, it's even worse, it's like the United Nations. 
James Hacker: I agree. 
Bernard Woolley: Then perhaps, if I may interject, you are in fact in agreement. 
James HackerSir Humphrey Appleby: No we're not! 

James Hacker: Speaking with my parliamentary hat on, I don't think it would be a very good idea; on the other hand, with my Cabinet hat on, I think perhaps it would be a good idea. But there again, with my Party hat on, I can see there could be arguments on both sides. 
Sir Humphrey Appleby: I see, and which hat are you talking through at the moment? 

Sir Humphrey Appleby: Well, Minister, I'm afraid that is the penalty we have to pay for trying to pretend that we're Europeans. Believe me, I fully understand your hostility to Europe. 
James Hacker: I'm not like you, Humphrey. I'm pro-Europe, I'm just anti-Brussels. I sometimes think you're anti-Europe and pro-Brussels. 

James Hacker: I suppose we have got rather fond of one another. In a way. 
Sir Humphrey Appleby: In a way, yes. 
James Hacker: Like a terrorist and his hostage. 
Bernard Woolley: Which one of you is the terrorist? 
James HackerSir Humphrey Appleby: [pointing at the other] He is! 

James Hacker: Europe is a community of nations, dedicated towards one goal. 
Sir Humphrey Appleby: [laughs
James Hacker: May we share the joke, Humphrey? 
Sir Humphrey Appleby: Minister, may I? 
Sir Humphrey Appleby: Let's look at this objectively. It is a game played for national interests and always was. Why do you suppose we went into it? 
James Hacker: To strengthen the brotherhood of free Western nations. 
Sir Humphrey Appleby: Oh, really. We went in to screw the French by splitting them off from the Germans. 
James Hacker: Well, why did the French go into it, then? 
Sir Humphrey Appleby: Well, to protect their inefficient farmers from commercial competition. 
James Hacker: That certainly doesn't apply to the Germans! 
Sir Humphrey Appleby: No, no. They went in to cleanse themselves of genocide and apply for readmission to the human race. 

Sir Arnold Robinson: Then we might be able to move Corbett to Employment. 
Sir Humphrey Appleby: Oh. Why? Is Fred definitely going? 
Sir Arnold Robinson: Yes. He keeps falling asleep in Cabinet. 
Sir Humphrey Appleby: I thought they all did. 
Sir Arnold Robinson: Yes, but not while they are actually talking... 

[Sir Humphrey is trying desperately to get an idea that will make Hacker stay and not go to Brussels
Sir Humphrey Appleby: Supposing you ignore the EEC... and then publish your own plans for word processing machines... with big, big orders for British manufacturers... starting immediately... tomorrow... well certainly before Monday... involving more jobs, investment, more export orders... 
James Hacker: More votes? 

[last lines
James Hacker: Tell me, Humphrey. Who would have got my position here if I had gone to Brussels? 
Sir Humphrey Appleby: Oh, I don't know... 
Bernard Woolley: Didn't you tell me it was Basil Corbett? 
Sir Humphrey Appleby: Basil Corbett... 
[laughs uncomfortably
James Hacker: Oh, I see. Basil Corbett. 
Sir Humphrey Appleby: [long pause] Yes, Minister. 

Yes Minister — Why Britain Joined the European Union
Why the UK is in the EU
​Yes Minister - An appalling view on Euro Nationalism
Yes, Minister - EuroSausage
035 Yes Prime Minister Power to the People

Margaret Thatcher No No No
Margaret Thatcher - November 22, 1990 (Full Speech)
In 1990 Thatcher warned that the Euro would end European democracy
Not For Turning Speech

Public and Political: General: Correspondence

El sonido del silencio - Flauta de pan - Música instrumental

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