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Thursday, September 8, 2016

Adele - Hello (Collection)

Adele - Hello (Collection)

Monday, September 5, 2016

Speeches : Linguistics, Learning, Cognition, and Meaning;

Speeches : Linguistics, Learning, Cognition, and Meaning;

Robert Anton Wilson - Language and Reality 
Dreaming in Different Tongues: Languages and the Way We Think
How the Languages We Speak Shape the Ways We Think
Language and Learning
Noam Chomsky: What is Special About Language?
Noam Chomsky speaks about Universal Linguistics: Origins of Language
Noam Chomsky on Linguistics
The Concept of Language (Noam Chomsky)
Noam Chomsky "Grammar, Mind and Body- A Personal View"
Steven Pinker: Linguistics as a Window to Understanding the Brain
“Language, Creativity, and the Limits of Understanding” by Professor Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky on Mind, Language, & Limits of Thought
Michael Halliday - Language evolving: Some systemic functional reflections on the history of meaning
Noam Chomsky - The Essentials
Noam Chomsky - Ideas of Chomsky BBC Interview (full)
Language use & design: conflicts & their significance | Prof Noam Chomsky
Chomsky & Krauss: An Origins Project Dialogue (OFFICIAL) - (Part 1/2)
Chomsky & Krauss: An Origins Project Dialogue (OFFICIAL) - (Part 2/2)

The Myth of Common Sense: Why Everything that Seems Obvious Isn't
Steven Pinker - The Stuff of Thought: Language as a window into human nature
Professor Steven Pinker 'From Neurons to Consciousness'
Professor Steven Pinker - Concepts & Reasoning
The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person’s Guide to Writing in the 21st Century
Steven Pinker on Good Writing, with Ian McEwan
Steven Pinker: The Elephant, the Emperor, and the Matzo Ball
The Critic as Thinker

Dr. Shuruq Naguib: What's in a metaphor?
The Motive for Metaphor
Reading Ancient Minds: Metaphor, Culture, and Complexity
Ted Cohen - Metaphor and Ambiguity: Two for the Price of One
Analogy as the Core of Cognition
Language, Metaphor & Reality
Storytelling & Metaphor in Therapy - Part 1 James Hazlerig & Richard Nongard

Theories of Meaning and Motivation
Wallace Stevens: Words That Matter
The Comic Imagination
The Imagination of Hamlet
Origins of Tragedy

【陰仙姑說鬼話】沒事無聊? 伸伸老腿, 大家一起常常上街頭;

【陰仙姑說鬼話】沒事無聊? 伸伸老腿, 大家一起常常上街頭;

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【陰仙姑說鬼話】「窮台」「弱台」再加自己犯賤, 這還活得了?

【陰仙姑說鬼話】「窮台」「弱台」再加自己犯賤,  這還活得了?

是台灣自己在「窮台」(Impoverish Taiwan)
【智庫觀點】 窮台與弱台 台灣危矣



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調出老贴文, 仍然很貼切.......

 主旨: 【老沈講神話】押寨夫人
 日期: 2015年10月25日,日,下午1:52

 ​話說, 從前的從前,
 有個凶狠無比的殺人強盜, 綁了個小丫頭片子作肉票, ​威迫利誘, 要跟她相好;
 沒想到, 這小Y頭挺硬的, 說, 你休想, 我可是有主的, 而且有兩個, 而且, 我是
繳了保護費的, 一年三節, 還要去叩頭謝恩呢! 你要是用強, 我一喊叫, 他們準能
把你給滅了;  強盜回說, 你就 別提你那兩個恩主了, 一個年老力衰, 一個老是
抱主子大腿, 十足狗腿, 幾十年前, 他倆還相互砍來殺去呢! 你就死了這條心吧, 
死心塌地跟了我, 我每年跟你買刺很多的虱目魚, 各式水果, 上北清交, 不用考, 
每天送個五千萬, 一億的人, 到你老家玩耍, 你愛收費多少, 隨你; 小丫說, 不行,
 這太便宜你了; 強盜說, 什麼條件你說, 都依你; 小丫說, 我要獨立門戶,有自已
的一面旗, 那怕是像遮住屁股大小的, 也行; 強盜說, 你要這麼幹, 我現在就把給你
給砍了, 該剁的剁, 該切的切, 做人肉包子, 還送兩個給你那兩恩主嚐嚐, 比那上湯
包子何如; 小丫只好說, 那..那..那我要做大,作小, 我可不依; 強盜再說, 這也不行,
這不是騎在我頭上拉屎撒尿嗎?,換個條件! 小丫說, 你要送個大禮, 這禮要大到我
吃撐了, 都吃不下; 強盜說, 那好, 那你跟我一夥下山去打搶, 搶多少, 你分一半;
小丫說, 你這混球, 殺千刀的, 你這不是在吃老娘豆腐嗎?


 歡顏 - 齊豫

 談南海 辛旗:美不敢冒險對中開戰
 大選兩岸政策辯論後 陸將表態