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Saturday, January 2, 2016

【老沈講神話】蝦米? 孫大炮喜歡啃嫩草?

娶4位「小」老婆 孫中山被爆是蘿莉控?

Lolita (1997)

【老沈講神話】這年頭, 啥事啥人都會「掉漆」

馬總統滿手政績 為何民調低
柯P施政滿意度首次跌破7成 不滿意度逼近2成

就像日本和尚每年選一字, 象徵過去一年的全民感受; 2015 年台灣
最大的特色, 就是「掉漆」, 不少位原本紅透半邊的當紅炸子雞,
在火紅時節, 被媒体「造神」, 被捧上了天, 而這些兔子們, 還真以為
自己是上天的「選民」, 被派到人間來救蒸民于水火; 那想到, 不到
數月, 或一兩年, 即被自己的好些過去的劣蹟被網路「人肉搜索
像祖宗八代全給翻出, 甚至把「摸奶的法院起訴書, 教書時與
四位女學生談戀愛的仙事, 全部給揭露在報端, 真夠瞎的; 感受一下,
很像滿清時, 大臣被抄家時, 入地三尺的同樣慘烈不堪; 

那些什麼粉味十足, 或狂人狂語倒是見仁見智; 倒是見到那自戀狂 - 
馬島主的元旦文告, 一份重要的文告中, 搞到像個破落戶主婦向婆婆
流水帳一般, 儘說些陳穀子爛芝麻的餿事, 就差少了一筆, 就是
在過去七年多, 於總統府裡吃了多少個水餃和滷菜, 外加酸辣湯
三百七十八碗; 想當以民調近八成進總統府的人物, 現在落到民調
只剩個位數的窘境, 只能怪自已 IQ 及 EQ 都低到令人不忍卒睹

國運如此, 奈何, 奈何!


民調若跌破65%? 柯:會收斂一點

Friday, January 1, 2016

Is there life on Mars?

Not yet, but we could all be living there soon. Some complicated challenges to overcome first though, but synthetic biology might just have the answers…
Published this week in Journal of the Royal Society Interface ‘Grand Challenges in Space Synthetic Biology’ reviews recent progress in achieving long-duration missions to Mars and highlights the challenges and opportunities of using synthetic biology in space. We spoke to lead author Adam Arkin.   

ArkinAdamHave you always been a space biologist?
I’ve been fascinating by the vastness of space and the possibilities it holds, but no, I’m a chemist and bioengineer. Amor Menezes (co-author) joined my lab a couple of years ago and really opened this line of thought in the laboratory. He has an aeronautical engineering background and we started designing microbes to optimize their use for more proximal applications. He began to interact with NASA scientists we knew and was inspired to push towards how engineered biology could help support long term space missions. 
How does this paper differ to the Review you previously published in Interface? 
In the first paper we focus on what could almost be done now with existing technologies to address key point challenges, generally in resource utilization. In this paper we describe the greatest barriers to long duration space missions and prioritize what scientific and technological approaches will require the deepest thought and innovation.
How did you decide on the six ‘grand challenges’ featured in this review?
Our choice was driven by the basic needs of human life. To live anywhere we need to be able to obtain resources, construct things from them, and use them to adapt ourselves to changing environments. Mars has an especially resource limited and harsh environment to which to adapt, so we needed ways of turning the simple and rare building blocks available into the more complex materials needed to build shelters, support our health and establish micro- and macro-ecologies to make the land more hospitable. In each case cited biology was of course the key barrier.
I’ve never heard the word ‘terraforming’ before – what is this and what does it mean?
Terraforming means making an inhospitable environment more favourable to long-term human occupation through engineering. In its extreme, it is the transformation of a planet to have an environment that can support human life effectively. While we recognize the technical and ethical barriers to even limited terraforming on an alien planet, the subject is key to understanding how to improve polluted or otherwise eroded lands on Earth, and to use in situ resources effectively no matter where humans may travel.
Are all these challenges as difficult as each other, or are some easier to accomplish than others?
Waste recycling and space medicine have many solved pieces and there are some key but clearly approachable engineering challenges to optimizing them. But efficient in situ resource utilization and effective limited and contained terraforming (limited to an enclosure as opposed to a planet-wide effort) both have a number of less understood steps involved in scaling the technology to be useful and safe.
With advances in synthetic biology and accompanying technology, how long could we feasibly ‘live’ in space for – would there be a limit? 
It would depend on what the scope of all the technology is and how much we are willing to spend. I would bet we could live a long a time in space with the proper support – even establishing permanent colonies at some point. Though I would not survive a second in Mark Watney’s position.
How scientifically accurate was The Martian – could we survive that long and grow potatoes on Mars?
I just read the book and as an engineering nerd and fan of stories of extreme competence I can say I really liked it. There was enough reason behind the solutions that even a scientist could suspend disbelief for the sake of the story. Growing plants is feasible though difficult of course. He has the right materials and approach. Mars geeks will point out that he skipped steps like washing perchlorates from Martian soil and dealing with the possibly pathogenicity of the human waste that would normally be composted. [Nine real NASA technologies in The Martian]
The first picture of Mars was taken 50 years ago and now we’re thinking about colonising the planet. It seems we’re advancing pretty quickly – it this true? Where do you see our knowledge expanding to in another 50 years?
I am astounded and utterly delighted at the pace and progress of science on all fronts these days. We are making progress in energy, medicine, engineering, synthetic biology and data science that should greatly lower the barriers to a trip to Mars. The same science that supports this should also help us address critical problems of increasing the efficiency, productivity and resilience of agriculture here on earth to feed our growing populations. It should help us address infective and chronic disease with engineered biological solutions. We should be able to better steward and repair our environment. I think we will see transformative change in our understanding and repair of the human brain too.
Our greatest challenge perhaps will be how to responsibly use our rapidly growing knowledge and capabilities best and most effectively as the pressures on our planet grow due to our demands.

How to Watch Free TV on the Web - The Best 18 Websites

How to Watch Free TV on the Web - The Best 18 Websites

Free television shows, sports events, and special programming without a hefty monthly subscription? Yes, you really can do this on the Web, and this article is going to show you eighteen different sites that offer all sorts of great free TV shows online.
Logo of the Hulu online service. - Converted to SVG by Tkgd2007/NBCUniversal, Fox Entertainment Group, and Disney-ABC Television Group/Getty Images
Converted to SVG by Tkgd2007/NBCUniversal, Fox Entertainment Group, and Disney-ABC Television Group/Getty Images

1.  Hulu

Hulu is one of the best sources on the Web for full episodes of TV shows. They also offer a wide selection of free movies, documentaries, and animated specials. Usually, Hulu posts an episode within 24 hours of airtime, which makes it a very convenient way to keep up with your favorite television shows without being tied to the TV.More »

2.  Fox

Not only can you watch your favorite FOX shows here, you can also get episode summaries, cast info, and upcoming previews here. They also offer behind the scenes information, exclusive looks at new or upcoming TV episodes, and specific offers only for fans. More »

3.  Joost

Joost offers a nice variety of programs organized in channels, what's most popular, and the most recent uploads to the site for easy access. You can search for your favorite content on Joost by using the internal search function, browsing the channels, checking out the Staff Picks, or by clicking the Random button.More »

4.  NBC

Your favorite NBC programs, all in one place. Be sure to visit the NBC Video Library, where you can find current and past episodes of the NBC line-up.Find the latest NBC TV schedules here, along with news, an active community, games, and the official NBC store. More »

5.  Link TV

Link TV provides a wide variety of high quality programming from around the world, focusing on global news, international events, and different cultures. If you're looking for a different perspective than you usually get from network news programs, Link TV is a good bet. More »

6.  YouTube

YouTube, one of the oldest and most popular video sharing andupload sites on the Web today, is a great way to catch up on TV that you might've missed or find obscure clips and outtakes from your favorites. You can also find fan-made video montages of great moments from various programs throughout TV history. More »

7.  Current TV

Current TV is not a traditional TV network; this is mostly user-created and submitted free online TV. Founded in 2005 by Al Gore and Joel Hyatt, Current offers viewer-generated content, hourly crowdsourced newscasts, and documentaries. More »

8.  Clicker

There are literally thousands, hundreds of thousands, of free TV programs available on the Web. This variety of choice is wonderful, but it can be somewhat overwhelming. Clicker aims to simplify and streamline this vast array of choice, putting all the programs you can find online into one convenient place. More »

9.  PBS

PBS features many of their programs online in an easy to view streaming format that you can enjoy right within your Web browser. Make sure to visit the Explore Topics page to get a feel for what's available, as well as the main PBS Programs page. More »

10.  Xfinity

Full shows from multiple networks are available at Xfinity. There are also TV series, movies, documentaries, short films, and sports events here, all free, and all available to view within your Web browser. More »

11.  ABC

ABC offers fans sneak peeks of your favorites, local schedules, full episodes, photos, even message boards where you can discuss programs and find people who have your same interests in mind.More »

12.  Spreety

Spreety offers so much that it can be a bit overwhelming. To get an idea of what this site has to offer, check out TV Shows A-ZTV Genres, or Classic TV.More »

13.  Veoh

Much like other sites on this list, Veoh has so much to offer that it can be overwhelming on the first vist. Best bet for finding your favorite TV shows to watch? Try the main TV show index. Here, you can sort by popularity, date added, alphabetical order; by clips or full episodes; or by language (dozens of languages are available here). More »

14.  OVGuide

OVGuide searches all over the Web for full-length episodes, movies, videos, animation, and documentaries. Check out the main TV index that shows you what they've got to offer, as well as the main index of all the literally thousands of TV programs that OVGuide has for the avid watcher. More »

15.  Revision3

Revision3 is a site that offers original content productions from people all over the world. These programs are Internet-based, completely original, and is especially focused on "special interest" content. More »

16.  Sidereel

You can find all of your favorite content on Sidereel, including the most popular and current programs, upcoming exclusive sneak peeks of premieres, Web-specific broadcasts, and the latest episodes. You can also make a personalized calendar of all your favorites on Sidereel so you'll never miss an episode again. More »

17.  Blinkx

Blinkx is a video search engine that offers literally millions of hours of available video content online to watch for free. World news, entertainment, sports, it's all here. You can even create your own Blinkx TV channel with your own personalized mix of content, choosing whatever you want to watch (via a simple keyword search) on a daily basis. More »

18.  Truveo

Truveo, a video search engine owned and operated byAOL, offers a very high quality selection of videos organized into specific genres: sports, music, technology, comedy, etc. The best place to start is the TV Shows index, where all the most popular TV shows on Truveo are placed for easy access. More »