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Sunday, April 9, 2017

布袋蓮攻占水域 全台年花上億清理

布袋蓮攻占水域 全台年花上億清理

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那是沈大師仍江湖行走的年代;  何個年代? 那是個天上下香油,
地上長烙餅的姥姥年, 1990's 初期, 在由新加坡飛往香港的新航班機上,
讀一份新加坡報紙的科技新聞版, 報導錫蘭 (Sri Lanka) 一供應飲用水
的水庫, 因布滿布袋蓮, 造初水中溶氧量降低, 水質堪虞, 自力無法解決,
向澳洲政府 (Australia) 求助, 當即自
CSIRO (The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) 
派出一組科學家, 經過半年不到時間, 用一種巴西甲蟲投入水庫中,
因這種甲蟲的唯一食物, 就是布袋蓮, 不出三個月, 就把整庫的有害
植物布袋蓮, 吃得清潔溜溜; 而沒了布袋蓮, 就沒了食物, 巴西甲蟲
也就滅絕了, 因此沒有二次公害問題; 

後來上網, 才知科學家繼續用這類甲蟲, 如mite, moth, miridae, weevils
作各種試驗, 測試不同效力;

有興趣研究者, 可去讀一下連結;


布袋蓮 Hyacinth 學名:Eichhornia crassipes Solms. 

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The plant is a real menace, affecting water traffic, water quality, 
infrastructure for pumping and hydroelectric operations, water use 
and biodiversity. Other problems include fish kills due to low 
 and increases in populations of vectors of human and animal 
Scientists release biocontrol for water hyacinth

Eichhornia crassipes, commonly known as (common) water hyacinth
Progress on water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) management 
With hyacinth defeated, new weeds choke Malawi
Water hyacinth—can its aggressive invasion be controlled?

- the mite Orthogalumna terebrantis Wallwork (Bennet, 1981);  
- the moth Acigona infusella Walker (Deloach et al. 1980) and 
  Sameodes albiguttalis (Warren) (Deloach and Cordo, 1978;  
- the miridae Eccritotarsus catarinensis Carvalho (Hill et al. 1999)  
- the weevils Neochetina eichhorniae Warner and Neochetina 
  bruchi Hustache (Deloach and Cordo, 1976 a, b; Center et al. 1982)

Among plant pathogens, fungi are the most important natural plant pathogens. 
Many fungal pathogens have been cited in the literature as potential biocontrol 
agents for water hyacinth. Among them are Cercospora piaropi (=C. rodmanii), 
Acremonium zonatum, Alternaria eichhorniae, Myrothecium roridum, 
Rhizoctonia solani and Uredo eichhorniae

Megamelus scutellaris, a new biocontrol for waterhyacinth.

Invasive alien species are a major global challenge requiring urgent action 
(Xu et al., 2012). They are considered one of the key pressures on world's 
biodiversity: altering ecosystem services and processes, reducing native species 
abundance and richness, and decreasing genetic diversity of ecosystems . 
They cause substantial economic losses estimated by one study to total 
US$120 billion annually in the USA . In South Africa, estimated economic 
costs due to invasive alien species are currently above US$ 700 million 
(R6.5 billion) per annum or 0.3% of South Africa's GDP, and could rise to 
over 5% of GDP if invasive plants are allowed to reach their full potential . 
Water hyacinth has been identified by the International Union for 
Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as one of the 100 most aggressive 
invasive species and recognized as one of the top 10 worst weeds 
in the world . It is characterised by rapid growth rates, extensive 
dispersal capabilities, large and rapid reproductive output and 
broad environmental tolerance . In Africa, for example, where 
water hyacinth is listed by law as a noxious weed in several countries, 
it is the most widespread and damaging aquatic plant species. The 
economic impacts of the weed in seven African countries have been 
estimated at between US$20-50 million every year. Across Africa costs 
may be as much as US$100 million annually (UNEP, 2006). The success 
of this invasive alien species is largely due to its reproductive output. 
Water hyacinth can flower throughout the year and releases more than 
3,000 seeds per year. The seeds are long-lived, up to 20 years. While seeds 
may not be viable at all sites, water hyacinth commonly colonises new areas 
through vegetative reproduction and propagation of horizontally growing stolons. 
In the early stages of infestation, the weed takes foothold on the shoreline in the 
areas where native aquatic plants thrive . However, it is not restricted to shallow 
water, unlike many submersed and emergent macrophytes, because its roots 
are free-floating near the surface.

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