旋律優美, 歌詞尤甚, 值得一聽;
Mary Black - Song for Ireland
Walking all the day, near tall towers where falcons build their nests
Siver winged they fly, they know the call of freedom in their breasts
Soar Black Head against the sky, between the rocks that run down to the sea
Living on your western shore, saw summer sunsets, asked for more
I stood by your Atlantic sea, and sang a song for Ireland
Talking all the day with true friends, who try to make you stay
Telling jokes and news, singing songs to pass the night away
Watched the Galway salmon run like silver dancing darting in the sun
Living on your western shore saw summer sunsets, asked for more
I stood by your Atlantic sea, and sang a song for Ireland
Drinking all the day in old pubs, where fiddlers love to play
Someone touched the bow, he played a reel, it seemed so fine and gay
Stood on Dingle beach and cast - in wild foam we found Atlantic Bass
Living on your western shore, saw summer sunsets asked for more
I stood by your Atlantic sea, and sang a song for Ireland
Dreaming in the night, I saw a land where no man had to fight
Waking in your dawn, I saw you crying in the morning light
Lying where the Falcons fly, they twist and turn all in you e'er blue sky
Living on your western shore, saw summer sunsets asked for more
I stood by your Atlantic sea, and I sang a song for Ireland
Siver winged they fly, they know the call of freedom in their breasts
Soar Black Head against the sky, between the rocks that run down to the sea
Living on your western shore, saw summer sunsets, asked for more
I stood by your Atlantic sea, and sang a song for Ireland
Talking all the day with true friends, who try to make you stay
Telling jokes and news, singing songs to pass the night away
Watched the Galway salmon run like silver dancing darting in the sun
Living on your western shore saw summer sunsets, asked for more
I stood by your Atlantic sea, and sang a song for Ireland
Drinking all the day in old pubs, where fiddlers love to play
Someone touched the bow, he played a reel, it seemed so fine and gay
Stood on Dingle beach and cast - in wild foam we found Atlantic Bass
Living on your western shore, saw summer sunsets asked for more
I stood by your Atlantic sea, and sang a song for Ireland
Dreaming in the night, I saw a land where no man had to fight
Waking in your dawn, I saw you crying in the morning light
Lying where the Falcons fly, they twist and turn all in you e'er blue sky
Living on your western shore, saw summer sunsets asked for more
I stood by your Atlantic sea, and I sang a song for Ireland
Mary Black : Both Sides of Tweed
The Tweed River flows through Scotland for most if its course and is only wholly within England for about the last 2 miles near Berwick. For the rest of the course it is the actual border. So Scotland on one side and England on the other.
What's the spring-breathing jasmine and rose
What's the summer with all its gay train
Or the splendour of autumn to those
Who've bartered their freedom for gain
Let the love of our land's sacred rights
To the love of our people succeed
Let friendship and honour unite
And flourish on both sides the Tweed
No sweetness the senses can cheer
Which corruption and bribery bind
No brightness that gloom can e'er clear
For honour's the sum of the mind
胡德夫- 太平洋的風(Pacific Wind)
最早的一件衣裳 最早的一片呼喚
最早的一個故鄉 最早的一件往事
是太平洋的風徐徐吹來 吹過所有的全部
裸裎赤子 呱呱落地的披風
絲絲若息 油油然的生機
吹過了多少人的臉頰 才吹上了我的
舞影婆娑 在遼闊無際的海洋
攀落滑動 在千古的峰臺和平野
吹上山吹落山 吹進了美麗的山谷
吹動無數的孤兒船帆 領過寧靜的港灣
穿梭著美麗的海峽上 吹上延綿無窮的海岸
吹著你 吹著我 吹生命草原的歌啊
吹散迷漫的帝國霸氣 吹生出壯麗的椰子國度
漂夾著南島的氣息 那是自然 尊貴 而豐盛
吹落斑斑的帝國旗幟 吹生出我們的檳榔樹葉
飄夾著芬芳的玉蘭花香 吹進了我們的村莊
飄夾著芬芳的玉蘭花香 吹進了我們的村莊
當太平洋的風徐徐吹來 吹過真正的太平
當太平洋的風徐徐吹來 吹過真正的太平
最早的一件衣裳 最早的一片呼喚
最早的一個故鄉 最早的一件往事
是太平洋的風徐徐吹來 吹過所有的全部
裸裎赤子 呱呱落地的披風
絲絲若息 油油然的生機
吹過了多少人的臉頰 才吹上了我的
舞影婆娑 在遼闊無際的海洋
攀落滑動 在千古的峰臺和平野
吹上山吹落山 吹進了美麗的山谷
吹動無數的孤兒船帆 領過寧靜的港灣
穿梭著美麗的海峽上 吹上延綿無窮的海岸
吹著你 吹著我 吹生命草原的歌啊
吹散迷漫的帝國霸氣 吹生出壯麗的椰子國度
漂夾著南島的氣息 那是自然 尊貴 而豐盛
吹落斑斑的帝國旗幟 吹生出我們的檳榔樹葉
飄夾著芬芳的玉蘭花香 吹進了我們的村莊
飄夾著芬芳的玉蘭花香 吹進了我們的村莊
當太平洋的風徐徐吹來 吹過真正的太平
當太平洋的風徐徐吹來 吹過真正的太平
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