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Thursday, December 24, 2015

【雅俗共賞歌單】第 31 集 (Irish Ballad)

貼了卅集的歌單, 毫無說明, 有點機械化, 毫無情感可言;
加點個人的小意見, 添點花絮, 點綴點綴; 

這不是電台音樂主持人選的歌, 而是我自己選的;大概廾多年前, 
在台北碩果僅存四家唱片行之一 - 鐵道音響 (八德路二段)
 不經意隨手買了這張 CD專集,從此,我就一頭裁進去了;

愛爾蘭民謠 (Irish Ballad) 旋律哀怨優雅, 歌詞雋永感人, 對祖國
土地及情人的綣念, 更是唱得纏綿難捨, 令人輾轉反側, 刻骨銘心, 
蕩氣迴腸; 尤以兩種伴奏樂彈琴的震撼及手風琴的糾纏繞樑, 
久久不肯遠去, 讓人百聽不厭; 

如有心靈上的創傷, 那這類愛爾蘭民謠的旋律, 加上 Scotch Whisky
是最好的心理治療靈藥; 試想想看, 有這兩良葯, 怎麼能不 '酥' 了
(相對的英文單字, melt 的貼切用法)
Mary Black - Only A Womans Heart
Mary Black - Song for Ireland
Mary Black - Past the Point of Rescue ( lyrics )

Eleanor McEvoy - only a woman's heart

Eleanor McEvoy - Brief

台灣的聽友對Irish Ballad 的狂熱, 曾聽到一則報導,  Ireland 音樂唱片
發行新唱片時,第一站就是來台灣,因為像 Enya, Celtic Woman, 
You Raise Me Up, Secret Garden...百分之九十的銷貨量在台灣; 

部份聽眾, 最為讚賞的愛爾蘭女歌手, 極可能是
她能自己作曲, 而且一直在探索新的有關 Celtic 民族的歷史沿革, 所以
一直在創新; 可能是民族性的淵源, 愛爾蘭除了在英語學這領域領先
群倫外, 在音樂上, 亦常有讓人驚艷的表現; 在民謠上, 幾乎全是才氣
橫溢的女歌手; 因國內電台樂主持人的水準有限, 且偷懶不用功, 許多
好歌, 在國內都聽不到; 如

THE CORRS - toss the feathers

前述那首Song for Ireland 敘述對土地的愛戀, 主要在歷史上, 它一直被強敵
英國占領奴役, 歷經長久抗爭, 後終獲獨立, 但北愛爾蘭仍在英國之下; 曾分享
過一部描述它爭取獨立的慘烈事蹟的電影 : 

The Wind That Shakes the Barley (Full Movie)

電影中的主題曲, 不少歌手唱過, 特選了下列; 

Sinead O'Connor - Oro Se do Bheatha Bhaile
Lisa Gerrard (Dead Can Dance) - Sanvean
The Lowland Paddies - The Wind that Shakes the Barley (Reels)
Orthodox Celts - Wind the Shakes the Barley-Sailor on the Rock

寒冬深夜三杯 Whisky下肚, 聽了保証醉,而且醉得叫你不能自拔;


Lyrics -  Only A Womans Heart

My heart is low, my heart is so low
As only a woman's heart can be
As only a woman's, as only a woman's
As only a woman's heart can know
The tears that drip from my bewildered eyes
Taste of bittersweet romance
You're still in my hopes, you're still on my mind
And even though I manage on my own
My heart is low, my heart is so low
As only a woman's heart can be
As only a woman's, as only a woman's
As only a woman's heart can know
When restless eyes reveal my troubled soul
And memories flood my weary heart
I mourn for my dreams, I mourn for my wasted love
And while I know that I'll survive all alone
My heart is low, my heart is so low
As only a woman's heart can be
As only a woman's, as only a woman's
As only a woman's heart can know
My heart is low, yes, my heart is so low
As only a woman's heart can be
As only a woman's, as only a woman's
As only a woman's heart can know
My heart is low, my heart is so low
As only a woman's heart can be
As only a woman's, as only a woman's
As only a woman's heart can know

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