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Saturday, July 23, 2016

【來長點學問】4/4 兒皇帝當然要向宗主國 (​Suzerain) 進貢​ (Fealty) 的

【來長點學問】4/4 兒皇帝當然要向宗主國 (​Suzerain) 進貢​ (Fealty) 的

New York Times ​
Review: The Secret History Of The American Empire
陸限期接受92共識 蔡英文回應華郵:可能性不大
美國把台灣當棋下 小英看懂了嗎
沉默的蔡英文 危機四伏的台灣
 回應蔡英文 國台辦:堅持九二共識 才可確保兩岸和平穩定發展
南海判決太平島是"礁" 蔡英文被美國騙了?賣了?少康戰情室 20160713 (完整版)
太平「島」不見了!南海仲裁「超扯」 台灣吞下去?

Suzerainty (/ˈsjuːzərənti/ or /ˈsjuːzərɛnti/) is a situation in which a powerful 
region or people controls the foreign policy and international relations of 
a tributary vassal state while allowing the subservient nation internal autonomy.[1] 
The dominant entity in the suzerainty relationship, or the more powerful entity itself,
 is called a suzerain. The term suzerainty was originally used to refer to the relationship 
between the Ottoman Empire and its surrounding regions. It differs from sovereignty 
in that the tributary enjoys some (often limited) self-rule.
1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) 
a. a state or sovereign exercising some degree of dominion over a dependent state, usually controlling its foreign affairs 
b. (as modifier): a suzerain power. 
2. (Historical Terms) a. a feudal overlord b. (as modifier): suzerain lord.

1. A nation that controls another nation in international affairs but allows it domestic sovereignty. 
2. A feudal lord to whom fealty was due.

List of tributaries of Imperial China
fidelity to a lord. the obligation or the engagement to be faithful to a lord, 
usually sworn to by a vassal.

a. The fidelity owed by a vassal to his feudal lord. 
b. The oath of such fidelity.

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